Abide in Me

Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cold, Cold Heart?

So, it's getting down to 15 degrees at night and some of our friends are still choosing to sleep outside! It took us quite awhile to track them down yesterday afternoon. Things are "all messed up" with the frigid cold weather. People are making different choices. Some are moving to a friend's house, some have probably gone to a shelter and others are still managing to fight the elements in a sleeping bag snuggled next to a building. I was glad that none of our teenage and younger friends were anywhere in sight. - an indicator they chose the warmth of someone's house. Watchdog said he slept on the plywood outside the lawyer's office. I asked if he was warm enough. He just looked at me and didn't respond. I asked if he would consider going to a shelter. He quickly and abruptly said "no shelters!" I know it's because he doesn't want to follow the rules. no drinking. he doesn't even seem to drink that much. They have a community out there and they stick together. He and Robert were hanging out near each other. We gave him a few sandwiches as he left for the library to add hot tap water to his water bottle, which he'd prepared with powdered apple cider.

We felt a little defeated knowing he preferred these freezing conditions over life without booze or community (if that's indeed his reasoning.) We pray victory over our friends' lives and that Jesus will continue to visit them daily and every one of them will know that He loves them, Oh, how He loves them. Jesus alone will bring restoration to their broken lives.

1 comment:

Myrna said...

I still have hats and gloves in my trunk, they don"t have to go the Tabitha House if you want to use them for Ballard.