Abide in Me

Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday at the shelter

Evey- She is a sweet husky-voiced young petite woman who happens to have an addiction to heroine. She was in rehab and has been on methadone for 10 months. She's had a few slip-ups. We talked about the fact that she has a whole future ahead of her and how much she really wants to kick this habit. She said she sometimes just hears this voice telling her she can't do it; she won't make it, she has to have it. I asked who was saying that to her. She said, 'probably the devil.' No kidding.
CJ-She came over and just started telling me that she is going to housing this week and she's very happy about that but she really wants her 2 year old daughter back. Her daughter was taken away from her and is currently with CJ's sister. She said she was taken away because her sister said she CJ's disability prevents her from caring for the little girl. CJ did seem to be slow and very simple......but is this too much for the Lord? I think not! I asked CJ if I could pray with her and she was very happy about that. Evey was still there and so I prayed over both these girls, relying on the promises of God to work out the impossible in their lives. They have very sincere hearts and I am believing with them that God will help them overcome these hurdles and give them abundant living in Christ Jesus.

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