Abide in Me

Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday at the shelter

Last night I met Amy. She is 65. She is a very sweet Japanese woman who is always helping others. I came and chatted with her just before leaving the shelter. I hadn't had time to chat much with anyone at their beds because I was too busy with the clothing closet. I asked her about her life, why she is without a home, etc. She actually lives with her husband on the peninsula but she comes over here for her medical care and to teach piano lessons. She really likes it here and doesn't mind staying in shelters at all. Is she just being resourceful? She said it was sort of fun to stay with these nice ladies. Her husband and son don't know that she is staying in shelters. They would not approve at all. She was a church pianist for 18 years and raised her son in the church. Her husband was a believer but now both her husband and son are atheists. She asked for prayer for them. She asked me why it was her that I came to pray with -of all the people in the room, why did I choose her? I guess I was led by the Holy Spirit.

Princess was there, more covered than ever. She talked to me quite a lot and seemed to want to hang out with me. I have been avoiding her a little because I feel she needs a prayer of deliverance and she doesn't indicate she wants it or is ready. Also, the one big room with several others around doesn't seem like the right atmosphere. I am reminded now to pray for her and hope that an opportunity will come for her to receive freedom and restoration.

Darlene was there, too. I asked her what happened after we prayed for her healing last month when she had the fever. She said she went to the hospital the next day with pneumonia and had to stay the night. I'm glad she was treated and recovered fully....but was disappointed that she wasn't healed by my prayers. I will keep praying for healing! Sometimes, God heals when we ask Him to.

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