Abide in Me

Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4

Monday, November 9, 2009

word on the street is.....

Blue Eyes' dad gave him an RV with the condition that he get out of this state so he and Robert took off for San Diego. (Greg's) Dad said he would follow them to the WA state line, just to make sure.

Stephanie greeted my friend and I with a huge hug. She was so excited to tell us that she went to her Mom's in Tacoma, who is willing to let her move back home. Stephanie is tying up a few loose ends up here (continuing to sleep wherever, hopefully not outside, she says) until she heads back to Tacoma later this week. We prayed for her and for strength and courage and resistance to temptation to use drugs.

Peter is a sweet guy. He's the one who says he's been out here since he was 14. (not 12, as I'd heard earlier). He is a very good looking young man of 16. When I look at him, I think, how could his parents let him loose like this? His family is just in Magnolia. He has two siblings in local schools. He goes home occasionally, but he always leaves because there is always a big fight. He said that his parents told the caseworker that they don't know where he is, even though he told them he was staying in Ballard. Do they think he has a place to sleep? He wasn't currently in touch with his sleeping bag. He said his friend, James is now homeless, as well. If they were my kids, I would be scouring the streets and scooping them up. I know, they would need to cooperate if you try to get them into rehab. How can we help these kids?

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