Abide in Me

Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday at the shelter

Evey- She is a sweet husky-voiced young petite woman who happens to have an addiction to heroine. She was in rehab and has been on methadone for 10 months. She's had a few slip-ups. We talked about the fact that she has a whole future ahead of her and how much she really wants to kick this habit. She said she sometimes just hears this voice telling her she can't do it; she won't make it, she has to have it. I asked who was saying that to her. She said, 'probably the devil.' No kidding.
CJ-She came over and just started telling me that she is going to housing this week and she's very happy about that but she really wants her 2 year old daughter back. Her daughter was taken away from her and is currently with CJ's sister. She said she was taken away because her sister said she CJ's disability prevents her from caring for the little girl. CJ did seem to be slow and very simple......but is this too much for the Lord? I think not! I asked CJ if I could pray with her and she was very happy about that. Evey was still there and so I prayed over both these girls, relying on the promises of God to work out the impossible in their lives. They have very sincere hearts and I am believing with them that God will help them overcome these hurdles and give them abundant living in Christ Jesus.

Monday, July 19, 2010

the deaf will hear

I had an interesting experience last week. I was texting while heading out of the grocery store and a young man held up a note to me that said “I’m deaf and I need $1 for bus fare.” I held up my index finger, as to ask him to wait and I went to my car and unloaded my groceries and finished my texting. While I was sending the message, I glanced his way and he was closely watching me and he smiled. I prayed quickly and said Yes to the Lord.

I returned to the man and asked his name and gave him a dollar. He did not speak, but signed. I don’t really know sign language but I was watching him spell his name. I learned his name was Juan. I introduced myself and asked him if he knew Jesus. He shook his head and indicated he didn’t believe. I told him Jesus loves him and He has the power to heal his ears. I was able to say this with motions and a little sign language and I know he understood me. I asked if I could pray for him and he nodded. I prayed in Jesus’ Name that the man’s hearing would return. I whispered in his ear and asked if he could hear me. Nope. I prayed again. Still no hearing. I told him again that Jesus loves him. I asked Jesus in my mind to do this work and prayed out loud that Jesus would reveal himself to Juan and that He would complete the healing. Juan’s eyes were a little watery but he maintained control; still unbelieving. I prayed again and told him Jesus loves him. What if Juan wakes up tomorrow to the sound of birds chirping?

Jesus said “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.” John 14:12-13

Just because we haven’t seen many or any miraculous healings, do we not accept that the very same power God used to raise Christ from the dead is FOR US who believe? (Eph. 1:18-21) I will continue to pray for miraculous healings, believing God will heal and I know it will one day happen before my very eyes.
According to Matthew 11:5 the blind will see, the lame will walk, the deaf will hear!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are You Living in Jericho

It seems I'm increasingly sensitive to the corrupt state of play in our culture, our city and beyond. I once had a cartoon hanging on my fridge that read "Where are we going and why are we riding in this handbasket?"

It was good timing when Chris Tomlin made Bluetree's song "God of this City" popular, as some of us have been shifting our eyes to the trouble right around us, not just in the hood and in hurting nations. Is God really calling you to go on a Mission Trip that requires a passport...... or might He have a use for you right here in your neighborhood? How does He want us to respond to the darkness in our culture? He has called us the light of the world so we do have responsibility to be a bright and shining presence. What about stamping out the darkness? Is there more we can do to defend ourselves and take back what belongs to the Lord?

The Lord told Joshua in Joshua 1:3 "I will give you every place you set your feet." In verse 1:6 God told him to be strong and courageous because it was Joshua's job to lead the people in to inherit the land. Joshua obeyed every word from the Lord.

God Protects

He gave proof of His faithfulness from the beginning by protecting the men in the hills from their pursuers which increased their faith. They said to Joshua, "The LORD has surely given the whole land into our hands; all the people are melting in fear because of us."

God gave instructions to choose 12 men; one from each tribe and take up stones from the Jordan from where the priests stood holding the ark of the covenant. They were to put down the stones where they stayed the night and "The stones would be a memorial to the people of Israel forever."

God Provides a Miracle

The tribes of Israel and 40,000 armed for battle crossed the Jordan and as soon as the priests carrying the ark of the convenant set their feet on dry ground, the Jordan returned to flood stage. The Israelites faith grew. Joshua reminded them that "He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful and so that you might always fear the LORD your God." Joshua 4:24

God Gives Instructions

He told them to march around the city for 6 days and gave direction on when the priests should blow the trumpets and to have all the people give a loud shout and then the wall of the city would collapse. Joshua followed the Lord's instructions exactly and when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the people, "Shout! For the Lord has given you the city! The city and all that is in it are to be devoted to the Lord." Joshua 6:17

God Equips Us

"They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword." Joshua 6:21 Today, we have all the power that Joshua had 1400 years before Christ. He has armed us with the power of His Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) and with the sword of the Spirit, His Word.

Let us take back city with the sword of the Spirit, declaring the Word of the Lord over our land. He is King and ruler over our land. He will protect us and provide all we need to face the enemy in this battle. Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Friday, February 26, 2010

Panties from heaven

Teresa is a big woman. She is too big for most of what's in the clothing closet at the shelter. She wanted to take a look, anyway. She searched for a top that could accomodate her. None to be found. She was about to leave and I asked if there was anything else we could look for. She said maybe some sox. I opened the drawer and there was hardly anything in it but a couple of small bras and a single sock. I closed it and said there was nothing. She said what about some underwear? I opened it again, knowing there were none. We both had seen that there was hardly anything in the drawer. This time there was a huge pair of bright orange underwear! I said I didn't see those last time and she said she hadn't seem them, either! We were both quite pleased and I definitely had an idea the Lord put them there. I think she did, too.

I didn't have much time when the ladies were done looking in the clothing closet but I wanted to connect with at least one woman. As I approached Teresa, she laid on her mattress like she was too tired to move....but we knew it was temporary because she had to change and get ready for bed first. Although her personality is sunny and she appears content, simple things seem difficult. It seems to take all she has just to speak, so she mumbles. I asked her if there was anything she wanted me to pray for before I left. She said Oh, yes. Her mother was very sick in a small town in Oregon and she needs to get to her. She almost cried out when she said it; she felt so desperate about it. She told me that she has been in drug rehab and she has been clean for 7 months and she should be allowed to go but she keeps getting shuffled around by the caseworkers and that each of them has had their own issues when she was there. The last one had been in an accident and had a neck brace on and had lost her paperwork. She was so upset as she told me this so I asked her if she thought this problem was too big for the Lord to handle. She tipped her head back and softly yelled No! He can handle it! It was like her heart was crying out to Jesus as she said it; like she was craving our little prayer duet to press in to God because she knew He was her greatest resource but she might not have had even the strength or notion to come to Him. I prayed with her and we told the Lord that we believe that He hears us and answers us when we call out to Him and that Teresa needs Him now to intervene, to give her favor, to keep her strong in resisting drugs and alcohol, to sustain her mom and for the Holy Spirit to direct and guide her on how to get to Oregon. Teresa was grasping my hands and loving me like she loves Jesus. I didn't want to leave but I felt the Lord heard us last night and He was going to show her great and mighty things which she has not seen. I'm continuing to pray that God shows her the way and she will follow Him.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

slipped through the cracks in the system

Went to downtown Ballard and met an old guy hanging out by the library in his wheelchair. I asked if he needed something and he requested I turn him around and point him towards the City office so he could pay a bill. I did turn him towards it but I told him the City office was closed because it was Sunday. He asked me to bring him back to the wall he'd been facing and plug his worn out electric wheelchair because it needed to charge for 2 hours.

He then asked me to go pick up his prescription for his inhaler at Bartels across the street. He pulled out his cards from his wallet and handed me his medicare card. I gently scolded him, telling him he should never hand his ID to a stranger......but that he could trust me because I'm a Christian and I would help him. He told me he was a Christian, too, and he knew he could trust me. When I returned with his prescription, a woman handed him a water bottle, saying nothing and went away. He asked me to open all the boxes because he couldn't get his hands to work properly. He had me get it all set up so he could use his inhaler and then had me pack it all away in the bag on the back of his chair. He told me that he needed a new chair, but he was very grateful for this chair that was given to him several years ago by a church in Lake City. He is homeless and I asked how he spends his nights. He said he rides the bus to and from the airport. He wasn't particularly dirty and I didn't smell anything, but I did noticed he'd wet himself. He told me a little about his life. I prayed with him for a solution and a place to live.

This was truly one of the saddest situations I've seen. From what I saw, this man should be in a nursing home. He can barely use his arms, let alone his legs. He can't breath without an inhaler, he's homeless and elderly and wheelchair bound. I'm praying his caseworker will see that he needs to be placed in a home.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday at the shelter

Last night I met Amy. She is 65. She is a very sweet Japanese woman who is always helping others. I came and chatted with her just before leaving the shelter. I hadn't had time to chat much with anyone at their beds because I was too busy with the clothing closet. I asked her about her life, why she is without a home, etc. She actually lives with her husband on the peninsula but she comes over here for her medical care and to teach piano lessons. She really likes it here and doesn't mind staying in shelters at all. Is she just being resourceful? She said it was sort of fun to stay with these nice ladies. Her husband and son don't know that she is staying in shelters. They would not approve at all. She was a church pianist for 18 years and raised her son in the church. Her husband was a believer but now both her husband and son are atheists. She asked for prayer for them. She asked me why it was her that I came to pray with -of all the people in the room, why did I choose her? I guess I was led by the Holy Spirit.

Princess was there, more covered than ever. She talked to me quite a lot and seemed to want to hang out with me. I have been avoiding her a little because I feel she needs a prayer of deliverance and she doesn't indicate she wants it or is ready. Also, the one big room with several others around doesn't seem like the right atmosphere. I am reminded now to pray for her and hope that an opportunity will come for her to receive freedom and restoration.

Darlene was there, too. I asked her what happened after we prayed for her healing last month when she had the fever. She said she went to the hospital the next day with pneumonia and had to stay the night. I'm glad she was treated and recovered fully....but was disappointed that she wasn't healed by my prayers. I will keep praying for healing! Sometimes, God heals when we ask Him to.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It seemed there was not much going on down there the other day but then we came upon a young couple. She was a little out of sorts, but not high. She did not want to hang out long to chat because she was so cold. She told us she's 2.5 mos. pregnant. Susan prayed for her and over her baby. While she did, Eric agreed in prayer. He was holding a big heavy looking box. I took it from him to hold it while he prayed. I asked about his life, his plans. He has such promise in his eyes. He has a future! I could see the work of the Lord in him. He was sweet and polite. His tongue is pierced. He's recently been through rehab and he's spent time in jail. Looking at him you wouldn't think he could be any sort of criminal. They are artists. He is the father of the baby. I asked if I could pray for him and his future and direction. He welcomed my prayer and the Lord gave me some powerful words over his life - speaking success and strength against temptation for things that will destroy. Susan said his tears flowed as I prayed for him. He really touched me. His eyes are full of life. Jesus is the Lord of Eric's life.